The position of a student or trainee who works in an organization.
Why Internship

Interning at an NGO will help to sharpen social skills.
Udaan Society provides the most exciting and auspicious internship opportunities for students across India throughout the year. During the Internship Programme, students can take the opportunity to work for the good faith of society and in addition to this, they also get the certification for the hard work they pay during their internship term. Udaan Society Internship Programme helps the students to get prior knowledge of working conditions across India and enable them to get ahead of their competition. Nowadays, an Internship Programme is a must for graduating students in many prestigious colleges and universities across India. So, what are you waiting for? Grab an auspicious opportunity to work under the Udaan Society which works for the most vulnerable and neglected communities.
tips to make the most of the experience
Be Professional
Watch & Learn
Set Goals
Reflect on your experience
Meet Coworkers
Keep Busy
Stay Organized
Manage Time Wisely
Keep track of your projects
Reflect on your experience
Apply here for internship
5 Do’s:
- Be prepared
First impressions count so make the effort to dress appropriately and professionally for work to leave a positive impression on your employers or clients. During meetings, make sure you bring along a notebook to take down notes as it will sharpen your focus on the key points of the meeting that will help you with your assignments.
- Ask questions
Feeling lost on your first day at work is perfectly normal. Never be afraid to ask questions and clarify any doubts that you may have to get the necessary support you need to carry out the tasks required.
- Be proactive
Be a team player and take a proactive approach. For example, if you have finished your tasks ahead of time, ask your team mates if there is anything else you can help with.
- Add value
Think about how you can add value to the team or projects that you are working on by offering team mates relevant suggestions or going the extra mile to help them accomplish their goals.
- Get involved
It’s not all work and no play! Participate in the company’s social events and use the opportunity to mingle and make new friends with different people and colleagues from other departments.
5 Dont’s:
- Don’t be unprofessional
Maintain professionalism at the office. Actions like falling asleep at your table, flirting with colleagues or coming into the office dressed inappropriately are examples of unacceptable office behaviour. In addition, to ensure greater productivity at work, limit your mobile phone usage and social media browsing during office hours.
- Don’t be a pessimist
Embrace the feedback given to you by your supervisor or colleagues positively without taking things too personally. Learn from past mistakes, move on and ensure that things will get done better the next time.
- Don’t be late
Tardiness does not reflect well on anyone. Make it a point to leave your house 15 minutes earlier than you think is necessary to give yourself more time to settle down rather than rushing and risk being late.
- Don’t be stressed!
There is no perfect intern or employee at the workplace. When faced with any challenges, adopt a can-do attitude and seek help from seniors and colleagues when required.
- Don’t lose your temper
There is no place for ego or rage in the office. When caught in an unpleasant situation, take a step back, think calmly and give yourself some time to reassess the issue.
Execution Procedure
The following general procedure shall be adopted for the execution of the internship:
Step 1: Request Letter/ Email should be sent to the mail id: for the internship program, email should include:
- Name
- Fathers Name
- Educational Qualification
- Permanent Address
- Contact number
- Time period for the internship(exact date should be mentioned)
- Area under which he/she wants to do internship
Step 2: Organization will confirm the internship slots in that particular area under which he/she wants to do the internship via Confirmation Letter/ Email.
Step 3: Students should only take the confirmation letter/Email as their offer letter for their internship program.
Step 4: Students are advised to meet Dr. Gyanendra Mishra (President Director of UDAAN Society) for further queries and Internship terms.
Step 5: Interns will submit an internship report in the format provided below after completion of the internship for the issuance of the certificate.
Dated :
This is to certify that………., a student of …………….from University ………………has conducted and completed his Social Internship at UDAAN Society, Aligarh, from …………….. to ………as part of his curriculum and course fulfillment.
During this period he performed office work as well as field work with our team. He has done the followings tasks: –
We congratulate him for conducting the internship in our institution and heartily wish all success in his studies.
(Gyanendra Mishra)