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Shiksha Plus initiative with Shiv Nadar Foundation: Impacting 3000 Lives with Education

Shiksha Plus Learners with their Slates

The Shiksha Plus initiative is a program by the Shiv Nadar Foundation and implemented by UDAAN Society at Aligarh, that teaches literacy to adults who have not received formal education. This One year programme starting from December 2024 will target 3000 illiterates from four villages of Jawan Block of Aligarh District in Uttar Pradesh, India.

  • Target group: The program is for adults over 15 years of age who have not attended formal school. 
  • Methodology: The program uses ICT-based methods to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic skills. 
  • Impact: The program has changed the lives of over 1,700 inmates in 16 jails. 
  • Goal: The program aims to instill the fundamentals of literacy in adults. 

The Shiv Nadar Foundation (SNF) is an organization that was established in 1994 by Shiv Nadar, the founder of HCL. The SNF’s goal is to create a more equitable society by empowering individuals through education. 

The SNF also has a program called the Shiksha Initiative, which aims to improve educational standards in government schools in Uttar Pradesh. The Shiksha Initiative uses technology to create interactive computer-based tutorials for literacy classes.

Achievements Under This Project

For the proper functioning of the project we have intially surveyed each and every house of the selected villages where we ar eexpected to find out almost 3000 illiterates whom our selected 23 volunteers will teach basic education in the batches of nearly 15 learners in each batch. Each selected volunteers is running three batches per day. By the March 2025 we ar expecting to teach almost 1200 learners with basic education skills.

Project Organiser

UDAAN Society

Project Details

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