
Take part in campaign and help

Donate for clothes and shelter

cloths distribution
Goal: ₹ 200000

Many people confront the harsh realities of homelessness beneath the great Aligarh sky. The need for warmth and shelter grows more pressing than ever as winter tightens its hold. Imagine spending freezing nights on chilly concrete, with the wind’s piercing reminder of your fragility. These are the stories that are being told on Aligarh’s streets; these are the ones that we can choose to change.

More than two thousand people in Aligarh do not now have access to a roof over their heads or clothing to protect them from the weather.

Every day is a battle for survival, with their sense of worth and hope barely clinging on.

However, we have the power to alter this story. We are able to provide them with a vital source of warmth and shelter because of your kindness and generosity. No matter how tiny.

How you can contribute:

  • Provide temporary, safe housing: Protecting them from the harsh cold and providing a brief period of security and relaxation.
  • Distribute blankets and warm clothing to withstand the terrible weather. Replace shabby clothes with ones that are dignified and warm.
  • Provide basic personal hygiene products: ensuring the satisfaction of fundamental needs and encouraging wellbeing.
  • Provide people with access to support services so they can be empowered to end the cycle of homelessness and guided toward long-term solutions.

Giving ignites the flame of hope in addition to offering tangible solace. You are demonstrating to them that you care about them, that they are not invisible, and that a better future is achievable.

Imagine the impact:

  • A mother, at last free of her fear of the cold, holding her infant under a warm blanket.
  • An old man, his dignity restored, finds comfort in a place of safety.
  • A young person, full of hope again, looking for help to start over.

This is your contribution’s power. It’s the distinction between hopelessness and dignity, between getting by and prospering.

Give now with an open heart. Let’s work together to create a more compassionate Aligarh with hope for a better future.

Click donate and be a beacon of hope for those in need.

Campaign Support Document

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Campaign Organizer

Dr Jitendera Singh

Vice President

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