
Take part in campaign and help

Plant today, breathe tomorrow

Image of planting a tree
Goal: ₹ 62000

The Cause to start the Campaign: 

  • In Today’s World, the rise of heat and global warming is a very critical issue for our environment and habitat. Because of the increasing no. of industries and factories the deforestation occurs which harms the nature and existing forests, it is affecting the water cycle on a global level and it will lead to an increase in Carbon Dioxide which is a toxic gas for our atmosphere.  

Our Activity regarding the issue: 

  • That is why we as members of UDAAN Society has decided to start a new campaign called “Plant today, breathe tomorrow”  regarding plantation of new trees during the rainy season in the month of August and September. 

Names of the Plants we are thinking to grow: 

  •  We are thinking to plant the trees like “Banyan tree(बरगद का पेड़ ), Mango tree(आम का पेड़), Guava tree(अमरुद का पेड़), Java Palm(जामुन), Neem Tree(नीम का पेड़), Mast Tree(अशोक पेड़), Teak Tree(सागौन), Umbrella Tree(पारस पीपल), Walnut Tree(अखरोट का पेड़), Indian Oak Tree(सागौन)” etc. 


  •  We have decided to plant the trees in Aligarh city and you can also suggest us some locations as per your opinion we will surely look forward there.  

Our Budget: 

  • We have decided to initialize this campaign with the budget of 62000 INR.  
  • The budget will be organized like cost of buying the plants, transportation of plants, labor charge, maintenance charge etc. 

We Need Your help: 

  •  To help our team of NGO we want you to donate as much as you can, even a 100Rs of yours is acceptable.  
  • All the donation will be used for the campaign only and we our promising to make our environment pollution free and better for tomorrow. 
  • You can also help us by joining our community and working with us. It will be a grateful journey together. 

Campaign Support Document

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Campaign Organizer

Dev Sharma

Intern, UDAAN Society

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